Corso di formazione per esecutori ed insegnanti di nyckelharpa (viola d’amore a chiavi)

nyckelharpa eu logo

in cooperazione con:

BURG FÜRSTENECK, Eiterfeld (Germania)


Eric Sahlström Institutet, Tobo (Svezia), supporting cooperation

ITALIAN DATES 2024 /2025

26-27 Oct 2024: Marco Ambrosini
24-26 Jan 2025: Jule Bauer
21-23 Feb 2025: Ditte Andersson
21-23 March 2025: Marco Ambrosini
25-27 April2025: Annette Osann
30 May-1 June 2025: Didier François


Marco Ambrosini (TUTOR – Capo progetto)

Ditte Andersson

Didier François

Annette Osann

Jule Bauer

Docenti di supporto (Italia)

Davide Castiglia – Goiele Sindona – Susanne Brameshuber


Corso di formazione per esecutori ed insegnanti di

nyckelharpa (viola d’amore a chiavi)


Il numero dei partecipanti viene fissato dal Tutor.

Il corso, che è previsto con durata minima di 2 anni, potrà avere inizio alla partenza di ogni anno scolastico.

Al termine del percorso formativo è previsto il rilascio di un certificato riconosciuto dall’ Accademia Burg Fürsteneck (Germania) e dal Reale Istituto E. Salstrøm ESI (Svezia)..

Grazie al reciproco riconoscimento è possibile visitare i corsi sia alla SMP che all’Accademia Burg Fürsteneck.


Elenco delle materie di studio

* Storia e sviluppo dello strumento, in Svezia e nell’Europa continentale

* Elementi di musica antica (medioevale, rinascimentale e barocca)

* Elementi di musica popolare svedese

* Elementi di musica popolare continentale

* Elementi di musica contemporanea e d’avanguardia

* Musica d’insieme

* Metodi di insegnamento e tecniche esecutive

* Manutenzione dello strumento


Con decisione del Consiglio direttivo del 20/01/2012, in accordo con il coordinatore dell’European Nyckelharpa Training, il corso è stato riavviato e sono state fissate le nuove modalità di adesione allo stesso ed ai singoli moduli:


L’aspirante allievo dovrà richiedere l’iscrizione al corso (od al singolo modulo) per e-mail all’indirizzo , almeno 30 giorno prima dell’avvio del corso stesso (o dei moduli ai quali intende partecipare) allegando:

1 Il proprio Curriculum

2 uno o più mp3 comprovanti il proprio livello di esecutore alla nyckelharpa o ad un altro strumento


L’accettazione della iscrizione sarà subordinata alla valutazione della richiesta e della sussistenza delle condizioni organizzative sufficienti da parte del TUTOR del paese ospitante.



European Nyckelharpa Training

Vocational course for musicians

Nyckelharpa player / teacher



26-27 Oct 2024: Marco Ambrosini
24-26 Jan 2025: Jule Bauer
21-23 Feb 2025: Ditte Andersson
21-23 March 2025: Marco Ambrosini
25-27 April2025: Annette Osann
30 May-1 June 2025: Didier François


Akademie Burg Fürsteneck, Eiterfeld (Germany)

Scuola di Musica Popolare di Forlimpopoli (Italy)

Eric Sahlström Institutet, Tobo (Sweden) supporting cooperation


Educational goal and target group of this advanced training


 The Nyckelharpa training at BURG FÜRSTENECK (Germany) and

at the Scuola di Musica Popolare di Forlimpopoli (Italy) should

enable the students to play the nyckelharpa on a rather high level

in concerts and / or to teach it competently or play it for their

private use depending on the personal emphasis.

 The training is mainly for professional musicians and music

pedagogues with a certain previous knowledge. Dedicated

amateurs with sufficient previous knowledge of music and playing

the nyckelharpa (or starting the nyckelharpa but playing another

instrument on advanced level) can ask for admission.


Extent of the training and organisation

One year of training consists generally of 6/7 seminar blocks of 2,5 days

each. A total cycle of studies usually takes 2 – 3 years of training. One

can only enrol minimum for one year, not for single blocks. Should a

student miss a block, the fee cannot be paid back. The lessons will take

place in a class, individual lessons in presence of the class as well as

discussion and reflection hours.



Responsible for the content of the training are Marco Ambrosini, Ditte

Andersson, Didier Francois, Annette Osann and Jule Bauer under the

auspices of Marco Ambrosini. Other teachers might be called in from

time to time.


Contents of the seminar:


 play techniques

– how to hold the instrument and the results of different ways

– technique with the bow

– technique with the left hand

 knowledge of the instrument

– elements and versions of the nyckelharpa

– basic repair and maintenance measures

– measures to enhance the sound

 history of the nyckelharpa

– in Sweden

– in continental Europe


Work out of a repertoire of musical pieces

 elements of early music

– Middle Ages

– Renaissance,

– Baroque

 elements of folk

– Swedish traditional nyckelharpa music

– Other folk, especially pieces referring to regional traditional

music from where the participants live and where the

seminars take place

 elements of contemporary music


Playing practice

 ensemble

 soloist playing

 performing practice


Elements of education science

 methodology and didactics of nyckelharpa lessons

 pedagogical issues

 development of a teachers personality


Elements of composing and arrangement

 write and / or arrange music for nyckelharpa


Each topic has to be covered, but in arrangement with the teachers one

should work out one’s individual main focus and decide on how

intensively you deal with each topic. The topics will be filled in an

attestation form signed by the training leaders.


Extra tasks along with the seminar

 The students are required to visit and write reports about 6

lessons or concerts

– Lesson attendance with one or more instrument teachers (not

necessarily nyckelharpa); main focus on observation and

reflexion of methodology and didactics; dealing with the

material from a pedagogical point of view, the instrumental

technique and the students; personal aspects and conclusions.

– Concert attendance; main focus: analysis of location, organizer,

frame conditions, audience, programme, affection, selection of

the pieces, mood, tension, interviews with musicians and/or

organizers, personal aspects and conclusions.

– Total of 6 attendances with reports altogether

(2 concerts + 4 lessons, 3 concerts + 3 lessons or 4 concerts

+ 2 lessons possible)


 Written report about an own experience in teaching or own performance.


 Dealing with a music piece: content, history, author, variations,

special characteristics, musical analysis, interpretation, existing

recordings, personal reference.


 Report diary: In the course of the whole seminar the students

should write a diary about their own personal experiences,

personal progress, pedagogical reflections and dealing with the

material in order to re-enact their learning stages in arrears.

Attestation forms have to be filled in.


 An online platform is available. Collaboration in the wiki is



Individual learning stages


The nyckelharpa seminar requires each participant to practice regularly

between the seminar blocks and to work along with the lessons

contents at home with high activity. This is an important condition to




A) Attest

The institutions concerned will attest the participation in the training and

the extra tasks for each student.


B) Certificate


 Moreover after successful participation during at least two years, but

normally three years, students with a good personal and professional

qualification can possibly obtain a certificate by academy BURG

FÜRSTENECK and Scuola di Musica Popolare di Forlimpopoli after a

final exam.

 According to the individual learning tempo of each student and their

personal previous knowledge, academy BURG FÜRSTENECK, the

Scuola di Musica Popolare di Forlimpopoli and the seminar leaders

will decide whether they can do the exam or whether extra practice

or additional seminar blocks will be necessary. Students do not

automatically have a right to do the exam.

 The final exam normally will consist of a written part, a public foreplay

(playing in front of the leaders and maybe an auditorium or a concert),

a demonstration lesson and a final conversation.

 The subject of the written part will be decided on together with the

leader of the training. It should be handed in at the latest 30 days

before the date of the exam.

 The test itself might causes additional costs which will depend on

the frame conditions of the exam.



Scuola di Musica Popolare di Forlimpopoli

Piazza Fratti, 2

I-47034 Forlimpopoli (FC)


Tel: +39 389 1005150





Akademie für berufliche

und musisch-kulturelle Weiterbildung

Am Schlossgarten 3

D-36132 Eiterfeld


Tel.: +49 (0) 6672 / 9202-0

Fax.: +49 (0) 6672 / 920230




Per informazioni scrivere a: marco

Altre info su Marco Ambrosini


Altre info sulla Nyckelharpa:’amore_a_chiavi

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